Podcast Summary
Empowering Sleep with Steve Reese


Several years ago Steve Reese, the CIO for the NBA’s Phoenix Suns, began working with the team trainer to help provide tools to help players become healthier. They found that most players lacked the appropriate amount of sleep. Steve also had a sleep problem and decided that if he wanted to get buy-in from players and staff, he would have to start with himself. Within nine months he transitioned from 5.5 hours of sleep to 7.5-8 hours of sleep. He lost 30 pounds and 6% body fat. Most importantly, he says that he is now a happier person. Steve went on to create a successful sleep boot camp within the Suns organization.

    Sleep Tips:

    • Have a consistent and regular bedtime routine. Put a reminder on your phone when it’s time to start getting ready for bed. This consistent routine will signal to your body to start producing melatonin which will help you get to sleep.
    • Limit coffee after 12PM, and be cognizant of your alcohol consumption. Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume at night.
    • Get good exercise during the day. All it takes is a 5-6 mile walk in the morning and a little exercise in the evening.
    • Turn your house temperature down by 4 degrees at night. The cool temperature increases the production of melatonin in your body.
    • Likewise, have a hot shower before bed. As your body starts to cool down, it will start to produce more melatonin.
    • Get tested for sleep apnea. If you have it, it is a showstopper.


    Sleep Tools Mentioned:


    Other Notes of Sleep:

    • Napping – Steve tries to nap when he can, when he does nap it’s either around 11AM or before 2PM
    • Sleep drugs don’t have the same effect as good old natural sleep
    • Today’s attitude “I can sleep when I die and grind it out” really means you will die sooner if you don’t sleep when you are alive
    • If you get less than 6 hours of sleep, you have 711 parts of your genes that are changed. Half of those are the overexpression of things that cause disease, and half are the underexpression of things that prevent disease.

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